Guides, media, and more!
Use the toolbox to reference MP3s, E-Books, and other resources to aid your students and children on their Secrets of the Heart® TV journey!
Curriculum Guide
Use the curriculum guide to learn the best practices and standards for the course.
Additional resources that follow our curriculum and lessons.
The following are the songs accompanying the lessons.
"Magic Eye"
"Peaceful Journey"
"YM Blues"
"Be Who You Are"
"Can Do - The Affirmation Song"
E-Books included in the lessons
Additional instructional videos to make the most out of the curriculum.
“I am Somebody”
Practice responses with your students.
All worksheets, in both Spanish and English, accompanying each lesson
Week: 1
Workshop: 1
Secret: Imagination
Art Form: Theater Arts
Location: Visit Mexico (Read - The Magic Eye)
Week: 2
Workshop: 2
Secret: Individuality
Art Form: Puppetry
Location: Visit New York, United States