Secrets of the Heart® Continuation Program

The “Secrets” Children Learn:


Passports and Young Masters Little Wisdom® books


Following the Secrets of the Heart® culmination, students participate in Passport To The Heart, monthly 45-60 minute standards-based dance and music assemblies. Children learn music and dance from countries around the world and each child receives a Dream A World Passport, where they can track the countries they visit. Teachers stamp their passports as they demonstrate the secret of the month. This program continues until the end of the school year.

Children begin each workshop with the Young Masters Pledge.  Teachers receive a lesson guide that also recommends books that support the theme for the week and offers additional classroom activities. Existing school curriculum ties in to the theme wherever possible. One new secret is revealed each month until the end of the school year.  The secrets are courage, creativity, love, peace, family, giving, beauty and happiness.  The program culminates with a presentation of dances by students. Children experience the joy of learning as they sing and dance while learning core values, life skills and a little geography. In the opening assembly, children learn about courage and visit the country of Guinea.  They learn Dun dun ba, “the brave or strong man’s dance” and Lamba, “the healing dance.” They learn what to do if they are ever bullied or witness someone being bullied. They learn what it means to have courage — to believe in themselves.

Whole Program Demo

Content Demo​