Your contribution helps children in underserved schools experience the transformative power of the arts.

Investing in early arts education for children causes a ripple effect…
a ripple that can change the world.

How can YOU create a ripple effect?   

All sponsorship levels include:

• Recognition on the Dream A World Education website, with links to your site
• Recognition across all Dream A World Education social media platforms

Contact Leslie Friedman – Director of Philanthropy –

Sponsorship of year-long “Secrets of the Heart®” programs in 25 classrooms


  • Bonus opportunity for your employees to donate 10 additional “Secrets of the Heart® TV”
    27-week programs to any schools of their choice
  • “Secrets of the Heart” naming rights in all schools sponsored by your company
  • Your logo on signage at Dream A World Education conferences and events
  • Your logo featured on personalized gifts for students and teachers
  • Free priority tickets to future events

Sponsorship of year-long “Secrets of the Heart®” programs in 10 classrooms


  • Bonus opportunity for your employees to donate 5 additional “Secrets of the Heart® TV”
    27-week programs to any schools of their choice
  • Your logo on signage at Dream A World Education conferences and events
  • Your logo featured on personalized gifts for students and teachers

Sponsorship of year-long “Secrets of the Heart®” programs in 5 classrooms


  • Bonus opportunity for your employees to donate 3 additional “Secrets of the Heart® TV”
    27-week programs to any schools of their choice

Sponsorship of year-long “Secrets of the Heart®” programs in 2 classrooms


Sponsorship of a year-long “Secrets of the Heart®”
program in 1 classroom


Click here to view or download and share your Corporate Deck with your Social Responsibility Team!

Whole Program Demo

Content Demo​